Pakistani Raider Shot Down Over Saurashtra Coast : Indo –Pak War 1971
On 12 December 1971 two US made supersonic Starfighters of Pakistan Air Force came to attack a vital Indian Air Force base located at Jamnagar, Gujarat at low levels. As they crossed the Indian coast line our early warning system picked them up. Two MiG-21 fighters on operational readiness platform were launched to intercept the raiders. As the Pakistani bandits approached over Jamnagar town they were spotted by the MiGs and immediately positioned behind for a classic intercept. Realising the threat from the MiGs, Pakistani fighters turned homeward, descended to 100 feet and accelerated to near supersonic speed. MiGs gave chase and closed in for a kill over the sea off Saurashtra coast. One Pakistani jet was shot down that went up in flames and crashed into the sea below. Its pilot was seen ejecting falling slowly under a bright orange canopy into the Gulf of Kutch. Second Pakistani jet managed to escape.
This painting is the artist’s impression of the shooting down of the Starfighter by IAF pilot, Flight Lieutenant BB Soni. He was awarded with a Vir Chakra by Government of India for his galantry and valour in face of enemy.